We are a company based in Porto Alegre and Sao Paulo (Brazil) dedicated to social creativity processes.
Since 1999, we facilitate professional development and the creation of transformative enterprises with social value.
We provide mentorship, consulting, facilitation, and training for those aiming to be their own creator and entrepreneur, to conduct authorial businesses, to operate in collaborative networks, to co-create something original and relevant, and to employ more organic and effective methodologies.
We understand projects as living processes and organizations as communities of meaning and knowledge, capable of learning through their own experience, of self-building, and of reinventing the world.
We articulate collaborative theory and practice to study the intersections among the fields of art, creative entrepreneurship, innovation, and social development.

André Martinez
Independent researcher, systems analyst, scholar of systemic and phenomenological approaches. Qualified by the program Artists of the Invisible (The Proteus Initiative / Instituto Fonte). Consultant and mentor in creative processes. Postgraduate Diploma in Reflective Social Practice for Social Transformation and Environmental Learning from the Environmental Learning Research Centre (Rhodes University | Grahamstown ZA). Founder of Laboratório Sociocriativo (Socio-creative Laboratory). André works in converging culture, innovation, and social and personal development. His methodology for training creative entrepreneurs received, in 2012, the award Economia Criativa (Creative Economy) in the category “Formação para Competências Criativas” (Training for Creative Competences), awarded by the Ministry of Culture.
With over 30 years of experience, André is a pioneer in developing transversal models of cultural management in Brazil. Consultant for great companies and foundations, he is dedicated to the study, design, and activation of strategies and structures aiming at social innovation in a sustainable manner and from socially creative processes.
In 2011, he launched with Minom Pinho, the platform Sociocultural em Rede (Sociocultural in Network) and published the Guia do Empreendedor Sociocultural (The Guide for Sociocultural Entrepreneurs - Casa Redonda 2011). From this partnership emerged the half-yearly course of Gestão do Empreendimento Cultural e Criativo da Escola São Paulo (Cultural and Creative Enterprise Management of Escola São Paulo).
Consultant for UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network. Professor and content developer for the MBA New Branding Innovation (Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco) and for the extension course on Gestão Cultural (Cultural Management) at PUC-SP. Coordinator of the program Inquietudes | Residências em Fluxo (Restlessness | Residencies in Flux) and the workshop Círculos Criativos (Creative Circles) at Instituto Tomie Ohtake, the course Competências Colaborativas (Collaborative Competences) at Cultura e Mercado, facilitator of the creative laboratory of the program Museu Aberto (Open Museum) of the Modern Museum of Art of São Paulo, among others. Curator of the Prêmio Empreendedor Cultural (Cultural Entrepreneur Award) from 2012 to 2017.
In 2010, in partnership with Lung, co-idealized the methodology of the Social Intelligence for the first wikicity in the world, PortoAlegre.cc.
After the launching of the book Democracia Audiovisual (Audiovisual Democracy – Escrituras, 2005), André began a potential incursion into the independent realization. His movies investigate the work of artists who reflect upon Brazil’s complex diversity. He directed several short films, dance videos, and the feature film O Guru Selvagem (The Wild Guru, 2007, 70min) about the Tropicalist Jorge Mautner.
Martinez was executive director of Fundacine RS and of Brant Associados, as well as cultural coordinator of Sesc RS and vice-president of Instituto Pensart. He also integrated the Comissão Nacional de Incentivo à Cultura (National Committee for Culture Incentive).
Learn more about researches and publication on the blog.
Our clients
Aliz Inteligência Sustentável
Andreato Comunicação e Cultura
Camargo Correa
Casa de Ensaio
Casa Redonda
Cida Cultural
Com Tato Agência Sociocriativa
Escola Lumiar Porto Alegre
Grupo Box Brazil
Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco
Fundação Cinema RS
Fundação Cultural de Belo Horizonte
Fudação Piratiní
Fundação Vale
Governo do Estado de São Paulo
Instituto Avon
Instituto Claro
Instituto CPFL
Instituto Fonte
Instituto Moinho Cultural Sul-Americano
Instituto Pensarte
Instituto Tomie Othake
La Lima Identidades
Museu da Pessoa
Orquestra Theatro São Pedro
Rogatis Family