Restlessness | residencies in flux

Restlessness is a residency program for artists, managers, produces, and entrepreneurs consisting of immersions, experiences, lectures, co-creation laboratories, and mentorship for projects in the art and culture sectors as well as creative enterprises. The residency in flux is a process for deepening reflections and practices held collectively, in which participants create new visions and strategies for their own projects and businesses from the connection among themselves and the dialogue with notable, acknowledged professionals from the fields of art, cultural management, creativity, communication, philosophy, politics, and science
The program, conducted by André Martinez, Marta Porto, and Minom Pinho, in its latest edition had as provocateurs the artists Benjamim Taubkin and Denise Stoklos, the philosopher Renato Janine Ribeiro, and the neuroscientist Sidarta Ribeiro.
Restlessness, with its journeys and recorded paths and processes, organizes methodologies and systematizes contents for the building of an artistic, investigative, and cultural perspective. The project is aligned with the Instituto Tomie Ohtake‘s mission of promoting spaces for the development of critical, reflective, and creative potential in the participants.
The program
It consists of a set of three modules over four days (Thursday to Sunday), one module a month.
Workshops based on social participative methodologies and dialogue practices, where residents and advisers meet to interconnect perceptions and emotions risen from immersive experiences and lectures. How do these experiences affect each resident? Which new restlessness and insights are born from such rich exchange? What changes in the projects? The labs are a chance to pollinize learnings and weave nourishing relationships between residents and their projects.
Continuous and individual conversations between each resident and a greatly experienced professional. A moment of reflection about the participant’s evolution along the process, where advisers provoke so that convictions and positions can be reconsidered. Mentorships aim at blind spots and opportunities for growth, helping the resident find new paths and means for their projects.
The program proposes the participative construction of a restlessness manifesto based on the residency’s guiding principles, reflections, and productions.
Path dimensions
Elements that inspire a spiritual, transcendent, and metaphysical view of life, contributing to scientific investigations and philosophical inquiries about who we are and where we are going. The great tendencies and discoveries that can contribute to the understanding of questions concerning the human and the humanity.
Critical view of the space/time we live in, offering elements that help the professional to face society. It brings forward the memory of past movements that help us understand the present and the theoretical and practical elements that give meaning to collectiveness and otherness to actions.
The artistic creation dimension, where elements have the power of language, of contributing to creative processes when they propose contents and techniques for the creation itself.
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