Living Brand | organic and collaborative branding

In a liquid, ambiguous, and uncertain world, brands have to be more than strategic, they need to be emergent. The Living Brand course proposes thinking of branding from systemic principles. Using collaborative methodologies, the journey works on a real case brought by participants, diving into the complexity of an enterprise to co-create an essential and purposeful brand narrative.
How so?
A brand can be understood as ‘contour’ from which the public distinguishes a company, a product, or a service in an ecosystem of relationships. However, businesses are living, complex processes and a brand can be experienced in very different ways by its diverse publics, generating fully nuanced and contradictory perceptions.
The living brand approach aims at a conception of a brand as an organic whole, encompassing how it is lived and co-created in distinct dimensions of organizational practices: human interactions, environments of coexistence, corporate image and narrative, business history and reputation, technology and management model, business strategy, political and socioenvironmental relations, etc.
What do the diverse practices express? How to identify contradictions and build a coherent, effective brand? Where and how to interfere?
Fully practical, the course is ideal for professionals who aim:
[if !supportLists]· At skills and tools to study the living dynamics of enterprises, developing more complex and effective brands.
[if !supportLists]· At building innovative brands in a more collaborative and engaging way.
[if !supportLists]· At identifying inconsistencies and generating harmony in how the brand expresses itself in distinct business dimensions.