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Creative Circles | open methodologies to flow, collaborate, and achieve

The workshop proposes a path of exercises and reflections, both individual and collective, which invite to practice being the entrepreneur of oneself, taking charge of personal changes and achievements with conscience and sensitivity.

Participants traverse four archetypical elements – meaning (fire), purpose (air), learning (water), and method (earth) – to create readings and narratives about their own creative patterns. Such sensitivity can unleash and guide the transformation of practices, increase connectivity and flow of collaborative arrangements, and subsidize entrepreneurship of authored projects.

Throughout the journey, besides the process of self-knowledge, other indispensable skill are nurtured to sustain collaborative dynamics, such as sensitive listening, active observation, presence, and context assessment. We also reach for the basics of reflective social practices and systemic approaches.

Creative Circles is a workshop for professionals from the artistic, cultural, and creative sectors as well as for those from other areas who wish to find a creative way to be in the world. The workshop is ideal for those with professional experience who feel the need to rethink and reorganize their positions and practices to generate new connections and partnerships.

During the process, we work on five skills:

1. Observe and distinguish. What do I see, when do I see it, how do I see it, and what am I not seeing?

2. Listen and understand. How do others expand my perception of reality and of my own self?

3. Inspire yourself and others. What motivates me? What ignites my creative desires? Choices and non-choices. Where does affect and intention belong in the world transformation?

4. Create synergy. Inner ecosystem and external world. Female and male. Economical boundaries and creative infinites. Opposites do not cancel each other, but they can create harmony and transformation.

5. Understand the dynamics of living processes. Evolve from the control paradigm to the nutrition paradigm. Going beyond structures and resources: unveil organizational and self-production principles.

Click here to see testimonies.


© 2018 Laboratório Sociocriativo

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