Peripheral Networks and New Centralities | Queen Mary University

According to South African thinker Allan Kaplan, to paraphrase Bernard Lievegoed, "when the center acquires too much power, it becomes rigid, falls into anonymity, and an intractable and faceless tyranny emerges. The center seeks to maintain structural order at all costs - but without breaking its rigid shell, without breaking into chaos, nothing new can emerge."
Based on this reflection, one can discuss that true power, the one capable of triggering true transformations in society can and should emerge from the peripheries. Communities based on the edges of power are filled in creative potency precisely because it does not recognize itself as powerful.
During the conversation/workshop led by Brazilian Cultural Policies expert Andre Martinez, we will explore/discuss the nature and the potency of Latin American artists and activists living and producing work in London. What is the relationship between center and periphery? What possibilities and contradictions does this scenario represent? What movements is this community group making and in what direction?
13 November - London
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